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ONUS Launchpad
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Send On-chain but have yet to receive the assets?
What is the transaction limit on ONUS?
Sending unlisted assets to the ONUS app
My account is locked for 24 hours. How can I unlock it?

ONUS Shares

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    ONUS Shares

    ONUS Shares is the feature that investors who put money into the ONUS platform can reap the greatest possible rewards while also contributing to a sustainable business model and increasing the worth of the ONUS token.

    You will have the rights when participating in ONUS Shares, including the ability to vote on significant decisions, participate in Launchpad programs, and receive revenue sharing from the ONUS platform through the owning vONUS points with the following ratio:

    • 20% of the revenue from the Trading transactions
    • 20% revenue from ONUS Futures products
    • 20% of FuturesSwap revenue
    • 20% of revenue from P2P transaction fees

    Instructions on depositing ONUS to receive vONUS points

    1. Select  ONUS Shares in the Features section

    2. At the vONUS screen, scroll down to the Pool section and view the Pool parameters

    Currently, ONUS Shares is providing Pools with terms of 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 365 days. The pool term starts from the time you deposit ONUS into the pool.

    3. Select the desired Pool. Click Deposit

    4. Enter the amount of ONUS you want to top up. Press Max for maximum load. The system will display the ONUS lock time and the number of vONUS points you will receive

    5. Click Deposit ONUS

    Instructions on withdrawing ONUS from ONUS Shares to main wallet

    You cannot transfer ONUS from ONUS Shares to the main wallet without the accompanying accessible vONUS amount.

    1. Select the Pool you want to withdraw and press Withdraw

    2. Enter the amount you want to withdraw. Click Withdraw

    3. The system will deduct the corresponding vONUS points and transfer ONUS tokens to your main wallet


    • You get vONUS points only once right after depositing ONUS into the pool, calculated based on the amount of ONUS loaded into the pools
    • You must pay a fee if you withdraw the ONUS before the due date. Withdrawal fee = 30% * (remaining time / total time) * ONUS withdrawal amount

    Learn more about the vONUS Scoring Mechanism and the Governance Pool here.