ONUS Help Center

My Account
Account Information
Account Security
VIP Level
Deactivate Account
Deposit and Withdraw
Deposit and Withdraw
Instructions for sending Off-chain
Instructions for sending an On-chain
Transaction Lookup
Exchange Transaction
ONUS Booster
Investment Portfolios
P2P Trading
Auto Invest Feature
Staking and Farming
Staking and Farming
Staking Daily
ONUS Shares
ONUS Policy
ONUS Policy
Privacy Policy
Reward Policy
New user reward policy
24h property lock policy
For You
ONUS Launchpad
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Send On-chain but have yet to receive the assets?
What is the transaction limit on ONUS?
Sending unlisted assets to the ONUS app
My account is locked for 24 hours. How can I unlock it?

Open my account

Add files or drop file here

    Open my account

    To be an ONUS customer!

    Register an ONUS account

    1. Download the ONUS App on Appstore or GooglePlay
    1. On the login screen, select Sign Up Now. Continue to select Register
    2. After registration
    • Verify your phone number if registering with phone number
    • Activating your account via email if registering by email
    1. Log in to your account with your registered email or phone number

    In addition, you can also register an account through a referral link (Referral) from your friends and create this one like the above registration steps.

    Verify your account and upgrade to VIP 1

    1. On the home screen, click the avatar icon (up left corner)
    2. In the Settings section, select Verify your account (KYC)
    3. Click Start and fill in the requested information
    4. Take a photo of your ID/Passport that matches the frame on the screen

    Make sure the picture taken is not blurry, taken directly with no glare, and obvious information.

    1. Take a selfie and record videos that match the frame on the screen
    2. Verify OTP

    The process is complete. It usually takes about 30 minutes to approve or more if outside working hours. The system will send you a notification when completed. 

    Advanced KYC

    Through advanced verification, ONUS will unlock your account with many features

    • Sending tokens On-chain, Off-chain
    • Creating P2P transactions
    • Joining in ONUS Launchpad

    For advanced authentication, you need

    • Deposit On-chain from 10 USDT
    • Deposit On-chain for assets: BUSD, BTC, ETH, BNB, KAI, TRX và SOL with a minimum purchase of 10 USDT at the time of successful staking

    Let's find out more about: How to Complete Advanced KYC